• Beach Lessons,  Blessings,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Trial

    Step On In

    Today’s question to ponder: Do you trust God today in whatever you are facing? If you are in a pleasant place that might be easy to answer “yes”. If you are in a difficult place, it might take some time to get to that answer. Or you may choose not to trust God right now. If that is where you are, perhaps God is asking you to take a step into the water, not knowing what is below or in front of you. In Joshua 3 and 4 we see a powerful example of obedience and faith. After wandering 40 years in the desert, Moses had died and Joshua was…

  • Blessings,  Generations,  Lessons,  Unity

    ALL Women…Something to Teach, Something to Learn

    The first time I was asked to lead a conference, I was clueless how to write a conference outline. But the person asking me to lead assured me she would help me, and she did. Little did I know God was preparing me to eventually lead and teach in a national ministry vocation. She nor I had any idea at the time, but she taught me something she knew that prepared me for that position to which God would lead me. Now in retirement I am asked at times to help another woman walk out her ministry calling and because of my own experiences, I have the joy of raising…

  • General,  Generations,  Leadership Lessons,  Unity

    Younger Women…Be Humble and Keep Asking!

    Last week I wrote a post to older women as a result of an email I received from a younger leader. You can read that post here. Today I want to address how younger women can be catalysts to bridge the gap to connect with older women. First of all, you need to understand a couple of things about older women (I’m talking mostly about Boomers and older, although as I said last week we are ALL older and younger than someone). Here are a few myths these women may be believing: “I do not know all the answers, how can I mentor a younger women?” “My stories are sacred and…

  • Blessings,  General,  What I'm Reading

    Prayer…a Different Perspective

    If you are like me, you have read many books on prayer. Authors like T.W. Hunt, Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Henry Blackaby, Jim Cymbala and so many others have had powerful books published for our spiritual growth. You have probably done Bible studies on the topic of prayer. And if you have been a Christian for a while, you’ve prayed quite a bit. Although Jesus gives His disciples a pattern for prayer in the Gospels (Matthew 6:9-13 & Luke 11:2-4), there is no one way to pray. At different seasons in life and with different needs, we pray as our heart leads us.  But one thing is true, we pray differently…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons

    Are You Asking the Right Questions?

    For many years I had the joy of training women’s leaders to lead others to know and grow in Christ. One thing I always emphasized was that we cannot lead others where we ourselves are not heading. For the first 10 years of my spiritual life after coming to Jesus for salvation, I stayed a baby Christian. No one taught me what the next steps in my spiritual journey were. I thought I had to just figure out life this side of heaven and then join Jesus once I died. I had no idea I was to seek His purpose for my life and become more and more like Jesus…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons

    Go It Alone

    Have you ever felt alone in obeying something God called you to do? Did others look at you as though you were losing your mind when you shared that assignment with them? There are times God leads us to lead others into an assignment but sometimes He will lead us there alone. God speaks loudly to me when I am spending time at the beach. Maybe because I am listening more closely, or that I’m anticipating His voice more (and that should be EVERY day I do that!).  A recent lesson from last fall was about how sometimes and at times even as a leader of others, God will call…