• General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Big Life Stuff

    Today’s post is taken from my daughter Alycia’s FaceBook post. I get to do that, well, because she’s mine and she lets me use her wisdom on this site! And because she’s such a great writer of God’s truths and daily life. So enjoy her post on the question “does God really know everything“. You can see more about her at the bottom. One of the boys got off the bus today and decided to ask me 50 questions about Big Life Stuff. I fail these kind of tests often and usually fall back on my charming wit or use big words they don’t understand to confuse them and throw…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    When Social Media Isn’t “Social”

    Have you ever been misunderstood, criticized or even attacked on social media? It’s painful, is’t it? It’s frustrating when someone assumes they know your intent better than you do. Without hearing the sound of our voice, a person doesn’t really know how we said what we said. Often we think that our own opinion is the only one that is correct and assume we know what is best for someone else. I was on the opposite side of this coin recently. Someone asked a question whether we’d ever had a man in our lives who has encouraged our leadership as a woman. I responded with the name of a former…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    Teamwork That Works!

    We have quite a menagerie behind our house that includes deer, squirrels, rabbits, birds, ground hogs and sometimes a fox. So we enjoy watching nature at work before our eyes. This past week I was working in my home office and heard my husband Pat say, “Well, that’s something I’ve never seen before!” When I asked what he’d seen, he said it was a squirrel scampering off with a peach in his mouth. Our neighbors have a peach tree that we have watched grow for several years, so that squirrel found himself a treasure. We’d noticed that although there had only been peaches hanging ON the tree and none on…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    WHOSE Plan?

    How many of you are list makers? You like a plan and you like to stick with it? You set out the day with YOUR plan and check off each item as it is completed. I get that. How many of you, like me, often make this plan without consulting with our Creator? Who knows the plan and purpose of our day (and life!) better than He does? Sometimes I move into my plan without remembering this! As I look back over many years of ministry, I see times I pushed my plan through at any cost. Then I remember those times when things weren’t going according to my plan,…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Time for a Reassessment?

    Have you ever been moving along, things were going well and you knew you were in the center of God’s will…then for some reason you find yourself totally thinking…”It must be time for a change, this doesn’t feel right anymore.”  I have. Right in the middle of following God’s surprising purpose in my life and ministry. My call didn’t happen overnight. It was a gradual pull by the Holy Spirit to grow deeper in Christ, serve Him by serving others and then eventually into vocational ministry for women. Definitely not my plan…not even on my radar. But having felt so blessed and fulfilled to GET to serve Christ and others…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  What I'm Reading

    The Next Step

    Are you in a place of struggle today that seems useless and wondering what the next step is? Are you just biding your time, waiting for the next big thing to happen? Are you always looking into the future and forgetting that the sovereign Lord is in charge of your right now as well as your future? I am LOVING Priscilla Shirer’s Bible study, Discerning the Voice of God. Although I did the first version of this study many years ago (and it’s always been one of my favs), this is a subject I need to study again and again. If you’ve never done this study, I HIGHLY recommend it! If you’ve…