The Look of Maturity
For a caterpillar turned butterfly, we know what maturity looks like. There are stages of growth that we recognize if the larvae is growing properly inside its encasing. If you need a refresher science course, I found this interesting video showing how this happens,! We know what to expect for the butterfly-to-be. What about spiritual maturity? It’s not so cut and dried is it? If we are to grow as a disciple of Christ and become a disciple maker, as Matthew 28:18-20, instructs us, then we must assess whether growth is happening or not. So what are some things we are to look for? Let’s ask ourselves if we are…
Is Discipleship Optional?
I just finished a weekend leadership training and my topic was discipling women. We looked at what spiritual maturity looks like and how to disciple women into the future. SO, I want to ask you the question in the title. “Is discipleship optional?” If you’ve read this blog for very long you may have seen me write about not being personally discipled when I became a believer as a preteen. I had no idea until my early 20’s that there were “NEXT” steps to take after salvation. These steps have nothing to do with receiving salvation and everything to do with understanding salvation and living for His purpose, not mine.…
Ministry to Women…Then and Now…4 Things to Consider
Last November at the LifeWay Women’s Leadership Forum I had the privilege to do a short video on the changes I’ve seen over the 40+ years of working with women in and through local church. Two aspects have changed greatly, as I mention in that video: fixed structure versus organic (continually evolving) ministry and events versus Bible study as the main focus. Structure: When I first began working with women in the church, we focused on how to structure a multifaceted ministry to reach various generations, life stages, and experiences of women. We had big org charts that showed who led the ministry. Then the next level showed leaders who…
SO Many Ways to Mentor!
The girls in our family are true animal lovers. In fact, I once planned to be a veterinarian when I grew up until I figured out I’d have to deal with blood and pain. I can’t stand to see animals hurt! Unlike my daughters though, my husband and I live in a one dog home where our daughters each have zoos living in theirs! Recently my daughter, Amanda Dugger posted the following “puppy” update on Facebook: “So I have heard my mom say for years (since I was little) that it is so important for the older women to guide the younger women. I agree but I have always been…
How Are You Serving Jesus in 2019?
If you are a type A personality you probably aren’t looking for a “new” place to serve Christ. In fact you may be looking to let go of something. As we look ahead to a new year, perhaps this is time to ask God what HE wants us to do. Often, I assume what I am already doing is part of His plan. Closing one year and looking into the next is a perfect time to re-examine the ministries we are involved in outside our own homes. In John 15:16, as He addresses Christlike love and serving as He desires, Jesus says: “You did not choose me, but I chose…
Who’s in the Spotlight?
Have you ever served Christ in some capacity and it just felt good? Perhaps it was serving in a homeless ministry and you came away feeling blessed yourself. Maybe you helped plan an event for a church gathering and got a few pats on the back and thought, “wow, I might just do this again”? As follower of Christ, we are to serve. In fact we’ve been created to serve. Ephesians 2:10 (which happens to be my life verse) tells us, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (NKJV) But when we begin to feel good…
7 Things to Do When Facing Times of Discontentment
OK, I hadn’t planned on any more posts on this topic, but you know how it is…God seems to always test me on what I’m teaching and claim to believe. Shouldn’t come as a surprise. That’s what happened right after I spoke on this topic at a church and after I completed this series. If you missed it you can read that series here: part 1, part 2, part 3 and Part 4. The day after I spoke on this topic, I can’t even remember why, but I experienced discontentment. My thoughts were…”what’s up with this?” and I felt as though God said, “Where is YOUR contentment?” It was a moment to prove what I…
Contentment…No Matter What Part 2: Circumstances
Last week we looked at how comparison keeps us from being contented. If you missed it you can read that post here. Today we will look at a second big issue that causes us discontentment: our circumstances. If only…what if…iif I had…if I lived…if I was….THEN I would be content with my life. Have you ever said, “it must be nice…..”? In her book, Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free, author Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth says we believe this: “If my situation was different, I would be different.” We always seem to be searching for that elusive state of bliss in life. In the scripture we looked at last week in…
Retired Together…3 Issues and 7 Tips
Some of you may know I retired in 2017 after 22+ years at LifeWay, serving as the women’s ministry specialist. It was such a surprise and an honor to get to do this ministry. I loved my work and am so grateful for all God taught me. But, my husband and I knew that this was the year to retire. I turned 65 the September prior and God made it clear this was the time. God affirmed this in so many ways the last year I was there and my retirement was such a sweet time of celebration. I wasn’t retiring from ministry, just from serving in the capacity I…
I Surrender!
The white flag is up! Time to let go. Time to give up whatever we’ve been holding back and allow Jesus to use it for His glory. What is that for you? I can think of many things over the years I’ve held onto thinking I can control them better if I do. How about you? Are you holding on to any of these?: job children spouse other relationship finances fear failure unfogiveness life purpose loss selfish will time gifts, talents and abilities personal plan what would you add? I wonder if we hold because we think we can do a better job than the “King of the World” can!…