Thieves of Peace
Have you ever had something of yours stolen? When I was in 3rd grade, my family came home from out of town to find our house had been robbed. It was a house with an attic that could be accessed in the garage or the house and you could go from one end to the other once inside. I made my dad get up there to look to make sure the thief wasn’t hiding there! After that, I was never again comfortable in that house. I was glad when we moved away within a year! Not only were my silver dollars and $2 bills taken, so was my sense of…
Starting My Day
Last week I wrote In The First Waking Moments about where our mind goes to when we first wake up in the morning. This week I want to share with you some things that help me focus as I start my time with the Lord after rising and getting a cup of coffee. In retirement I have more time than I’ve ever had before and love it, but I realize many of you are not retired! Here’s what I do, though not always all of it depending on how much time I can spend that day: *Read and sing the lyrics to a worship song as I to settle my…
In The First Waking Moments
What happens when you first have an awareness of waking up in the morning? To where or what does your mind turn? A dream you just had? Your overfull to do list? Your cell phone? Your current crisis? Your commute in heavy traffic to work? Your health concern? I’d have to answer yes to all of these at one time or another. May I suggest another option? If we remember Who is in charge of our day, it might prompt us to turn our eyes upward and know Jesus cares about every single thing on our hearts and on our to do list. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Everything others see…
His Salvation…My Worship
When I first accepted Christ as my Savior, I really didn’t understand all it encompassed. But at that point, I took all I understood about Jesus and said, Yes! to Him. It wasn’t until I was personally discipled several years later I really learned how to grow as I read His Word myself and got to see who He really is. His attributes were more than I earlier imagined. The apostle Paul grew quickly after His salvation. If you want a full dive into the doctrine of salvation, just read through the book of Romans he wrote. Perhaps because Jesus had so radically turned Paul’s life around—from persecutor of Christians…
Running My Race
If life is a race, how are you doing? If you are alive, you are still somewhere on the racetrack heading toward the finish line. What lane are you running in? Sometimes I do not like my lane. I really would like to run in her lane. I like her lane better. Why can’t I just run her race? Have you ever felt that way too? God planned our lives, unique to us, designed exactly for who He created us to be, before we were even born. Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of…
A Rocky 2024?
How’s 2024 so far? Is it what you thought it would be? It has not been for me, in several ways. If you read my posts regularly you’ve seen some of my unexpected experiences. I’ve begun to wonder if this is how it will be all year! But God gave me the song “Good Plans” the first of the year and I decided I’d seek to find the good plan in whatever God allowed this year. I just didn’t think I’d have do it this soon! Instead of dreading what is next, I’m seeking to believe His good plans and ask the Lord what He wants to teach me. What…
Are You Drifting?
My former pastor used to tell of losing his cool at home. His wife would ask if he’d forgotten to have his “quiet time” that day. He’d admit, no, he had not. It’s easy to let our time with the Lord get pushed aside for work, family, or recreation. Not to be legalistic, but if we skip this on a regular basis, we might find ourselves drifting. I find myself losing my cool in stressful circumstances and wondering what the problem is. Why was I so impatient and easily upset? Not always, but sometimes, it’s because I just didn’t take time to pray and get in the Word that day.…
Created to Connect: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #3
Today I am just going to share from my daughters journal with almost no comments. This speaks for itself! (You can read part 1 here and part 2 here.) I want to just close with a beautiful prayer Jesus prayed for his followers that reflects the kind of relationships He desires for us to experience (my addition in brackets for clarity). I pray not only for these, but also for those who believe in me through their [the disciples] word. May they all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us, so that the world may believe you sent…
Living For the “Like”: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #2
I wonder how many of us post on social media and just wait to see how many “likes” we get. Kind of opens a pandora’s box doesn’t it? Of course, we post things we think are interesting or funny, but do we do it just to get those likes? Should that be the motive for posting updates? This is the second (read the first here) in this Social Media Fast series of lessons from my daughter Alycia’s week long social media shut down. She has allowed me to share some of the things she learned. I pray these will cause you to stop and think about why you use social…
What’s Ahead?
Ok, we’ve turned the calendar to 2021. So what? What now? Will life “go back to normal after pandemic?” We do not know what is ahead, but we can choose to answer “so what” by how we enter this new year, even if it doesn’t yet include ditching masks for ever! Even if we still do not have a job, or family gatherings, or great health, or…… For a number of years I have sensed God giving me a theme, verse, or word to focus on for the year. Sometimes it’s just because of where I am in my life, although this past year my focus came from a topic…