• General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    Pruning for Greater Harvest

    When we lived in Tyler, Texas, my parents moved close by and had a home on 10 acres. This land included a peach orchard of about 60 trees. My dad was so excited…then we had peaches! But he saw that many of the limbs were so heavy with peaches, they broke. He learned that you must prune the trees back so they can produce healthier and a more abundant amount of peaches. I have had several Knockout roses in my yard, and for years, I’d enjoy some blooms but I never cut them back. I’d see my neighbors huge bushes full of blooms. Finally I decided to pinch off dead…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Strength as We Mature

    If you haven’t read the other posts in this series, you can read those here: (1), (2), and (3). This post is a follow up and the final post in this series. I’m very encouraged by the church trend predictions from Carey Nieuwhof 10 Predictions about the Future Church and Shifting Attendance Patterns especially these two: If this is true, are we ready as church members and as disciplemakers to serve selflessly? Do we just continue to do Bible study after Bible study without our lives being transformed as a result of what we are studying? Are we leading women’s Bible studies in this way? If so, it’s time for…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    More Spiritual Maturity Indicators

    The last couple of weeks, we’ve looked at the need for discipleship and some indicators of maturity as a disciple. Today I want us to consider as few more indicators. Some time ago, Kathy Ferguson Litton, Director of Planter Spouse Development at the North American Mission Board, wrote a blog post (What Spiritual Maturity Really Looks Like) on this subject and I’ve adapted from that post for us to consider this list of indicators. Some of these I’ve personally experienced and wondered why. Now…evaluate your own growth using this assessment. How many of these can you answer “true”? For those you struggle with, pray for God to help you take…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    The Look of Maturity

    For a caterpillar turned butterfly, we know what maturity looks like. There are stages of growth that we recognize if the larvae is growing properly inside its encasing. If you need a refresher science course, I found this interesting video showing how this happens,! We know what to expect for the butterfly-to-be. What about spiritual maturity? It’s not so cut and dried is it? If we are to grow as a disciple of Christ and become a disciple maker, as Matthew 28:18-20, instructs us, then we must assess whether growth is happening or not. So what are some things we are to look for? Let’s ask ourselves if we are…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth

    Is Discipleship Optional?

    I just finished a weekend leadership training and my topic was discipling women. We looked at what spiritual maturity looks like and how to disciple women into the future. SO, I want to ask you the question in the title. “Is discipleship optional?” If you’ve read this blog for very long you may have seen me write about not being personally discipled when I became a believer as a preteen. I had no idea until my early 20’s that there were “NEXT” steps to take after salvation. These steps have nothing to do with receiving salvation and everything to do with understanding salvation and living for His purpose, not mine.…