Leadership Lessons
Younger Women…Be Humble and Keep Asking!
Last week I wrote a post to older women as a result of an email I received from a younger leader. You can read that post here. Today I want to address how younger women can be catalysts to bridge the gap to connect with older women. First of all, you need to understand a couple of things about older women (I’m talking mostly about Boomers and older, although as I said last week we are ALL older and younger than someone). Here are a few myths these women may be believing: “I do not know all the answers, how can I mentor a younger women?” “My stories are sacred and…
All of us have been disappointed by someone. A parent. A pastor. An employer. A friend. I’ve also disappointed me! And I bet you disappointed yourself as well. It’s hard to watch the news without seeing another well known person fall. It could be us. So, let me ask you…who holds you accountable? Romans 14:12 (“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God”) reminds us that ultimately it’s God we are accountable to. But aren’t you grateful that God allows humans in the body of Christ to walk beside us on this earth? Those who love us, but aren’t impressed by us. Those who will…
Blessed in the Mess
If I asked you to describe your life right now, how would you respond? Would you include any of these words: difficult, overwhelming, disappointing, mysterious, painful, answerless, frustrating? If so, I so get it. But do you realize that amidst our mess God has blessings for us? The Lord showed me this one morning as I drove to work after completing a 3 day fabulous, but exhausting, conference (the biggest leadership event we host). Several things had occurred during those 3 days that weren’t part of the plan, so the stress of coordinating and hosting this conference grew beyond my expectation. During the conference, my mother (who had dementia) had…
Are You Asking the Right Questions?
For many years I had the joy of training women’s leaders to lead others to know and grow in Christ. One thing I always emphasized was that we cannot lead others where we ourselves are not heading. For the first 10 years of my spiritual life after coming to Jesus for salvation, I stayed a baby Christian. No one taught me what the next steps in my spiritual journey were. I thought I had to just figure out life this side of heaven and then join Jesus once I died. I had no idea I was to seek His purpose for my life and become more and more like Jesus…