• Blessings,  Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Marriage Thoughts Part 2

    Be sure to read back to see part 1 before reading this second post. This continues my encouragement to a young bride, things I wish I’d known when I married. 3. Remember, your first ministry is your family. Serve your spouse without grumbling when you’d rather do something else! This is still something I am praying to achieve: being grateful I have to close his dresser drawers AGAIN for the 5th time today. Doing it is one thing, doing it with gratefulness instead of resentment is another! If you have children, they too are your first ministry, but do not place your children ahead of your spouse. One day, Lord…

  • Blessings,  Generations,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Marriage Thoughts Part 1

    I had the incredible honor of speaking words of encouragement to my niece at her bridal luncheon this past weekend as she prepared to add a new last name to her own. I was reminded of my own marriage almost 52 years ago and thought about what I wish I’d known. So as I wrote thoughts for her, I decided to share them with you in 2 posts. This is specific for those who are married or may get married.  As I like to call myself, I am an “imperfect woman in God’s perfect plan.” I wish I’d known these things back in 1971. I have learned a lot, but…