• Blessings,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading


    What is the last experience you had that looked totally hopeless? How did it turn out? Or how has it turned out…so far? For those who know Christ, nothing is beyond His ability to remedy according to His plan, His glory and our good. (See Romans 8:28-30.) In my final week of study of Amos by Jennifer Rothschild, the word “nevertheless” stirred up my absolute love and gratefulness for the “but God” of my faith! Jennifer had us define “nevertheless” (or what I see as “but God”). Looking it up I found it means: in spite of evidence, even so, however, but, be that as it may. This is bad…

  • Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    The Enemy is Alive and Well…But Defeated!

    Even though I am continually aware of the influence of the enemy, along with his temptations, in our world today and I even understand that this is expected, more so as Christ’s return draws nearer…but once in a while, I’ve just had enough! After one evening’s disturbing end that included a crisis, my wakeful night included anger at the enemy…again…and continual prayers for his demise! He’s just so mean and my loathing for him just gets stronger each time I see him at work! The next morning, the Lord, reminded me…again…the devil’s work is temporary and his eternal demise will come one day. It hasn’t been long since I finished…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    The Why and How of Finishing Well

    Some of you know I am reading the Bible chronologically with my D-group, and that this isn’t the first time I’ve read this way. You may also know that I’ve said several times, I learn more each time I re-read these passages. It happened again when I was reading a favorite part of the New Testament, 2 Timothy in particular. I love how Paul never wavered in his passionate and obedient service to Christ after he met the Lord on that dusty Damascus road (Acts 9). Why did he do that despite the difficulties he faced? And how did he do it? I think the key to this mystery is…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Rome or Bust!

    I love Paul. I love his love for Christ. I love his faith in God’s calling and promises. I am challenged by how faithfully he walked out his leadership role for the Gospel. He was a man of integrity who could be confidently followed. Having recently completed the book of Acts in my Foundations: NT260 reading, and in reading many of Paul’s epistles as well, I am encouraged by Paul’s faithfulness. Several passages mention how he “must go to Rome.” He knew it was important to share his conversion story in that city and before leaders who were indifferent to or who opposed Christians walking out the Gospel. And God…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Once We Are Born

    I was born in Canada and to this day could file for dual citizenship is I chose to do so. My parents were from the United States but were living there, due to my dad’s job, when I came along. We moved back to Texas when I was about two. But being born there gives me an identity not only with my parents country of birth, but also with the actual country where I was born. I read Acts 22 this week in my NT260 Bible reading. In this chapter, we see Paul inform his captors about his Roman citizenship and the privileges that afforded him. In fact, when the…