• Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    In His Image

    I’m preparing to speak at Judson Baptist (Brentwood, TN) for a women’s retreat as I write this. When you read it, it will be in the past. But it has caused me to ponder and study about how we are to be mirror images of Christ as we reflect Him to the world around us.  In Genesis 1, we read that man and woman are created in God’s image. We are His image bearers all our lives. The question is, how well are you and I doing this? Do we desire to do this? The only way we can do this well is to know who God is. John Calvin…

  • Blessings,  Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    A Faithful Reflection

    I wanted to share this memorial tribute I had the honor of giving recently for a dear friend and ministry partner who walked into the presence of Jesus February 17. This woman truly reflected the image of Christ. One of the greatest gifts God gave me in ministry was Dr. Rhonda Kelley. When none of us knew much about effective women’s ministry, we were asking the questions and looking for others who were seeking answers. Rhonda was one who, very early, asked how do we effectively reach and disciple women for Christ? I found myself in the early 90s, a lay person in my church in East Texas, actually serving on…

  • Great Blogs,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    3 Blogs Posts for Living in 2021

    1 Social media today is all over the map: truth, fake news, encouraging, degrading, spiritual, business related, hopeful and concerning. How ever you use social media, Social Media: 7 Tips for Christians from SBC Voices is a great read as you consider your next update. 2 Whether Jesus comes back tomorrow or 50 years for now, we must be ready. Read 4 Ways to Live During End Times by LifeWay Research. This also relates well to the previous post! 3 This last post I will share today is written by a friend and colleague of mine, Christina Zimmerman. Read What Are Spiritual Disciplines to be reminded of how we continue…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Once We Are Born

    I was born in Canada and to this day could file for dual citizenship is I chose to do so. My parents were from the United States but were living there, due to my dad’s job, when I came along. We moved back to Texas when I was about two. But being born there gives me an identity not only with my parents country of birth, but also with the actual country where I was born. I read Acts 22 this week in my NT260 Bible reading. In this chapter, we see Paul inform his captors about his Roman citizenship and the privileges that afforded him. In fact, when the…

  • General,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    What I’m Reading…In His Image

    How often do you look in the mirror daily? Make up, check. Hair, check. Outfit for the day, check. Those are the outward images of who we are. But what about inside? What image are we seeking to mirror? Are we daily reflecting Christ’s image as we walk through our day? One of my favorite Bible teachers and authors is Jen Wilkin. I recently finished her latest book, In His Image, and have been challenged to ask that very question. The introduction got my attention with its title, “Asking the Better Question.” Jen encourages us to stop asking, “What is God’s will for my life” and ask instead, “Who should I be?”…