• Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth,  Test

    A Passion for the Impossible

    Sometimes I find myself in a comfortable place, not looking for a new thing, or a challenge that would move me out of that rut. After a while, I become comfortable with with my rut to the point of feeling stagnant. Then I find myself seeking a challenge to show me new steps to take, or new things to learn.  Perhaps that’s where the disciples were as they were going out to share the Gospel, heal the sick, and perform miracles in the name of Jesus. When they failed to drive out a demon from a possessed boy, they asked Jesus why. His response was: “Because of your little faith,” he…

  • Blessings,  Favorite Quotes,  Spiritual Growth

    That One Prayer

    At work once, before I retired from LifeWay in 2017, our team was in a very stressful season. We were all struggling to get our work done by deadlines and many of us also struggled with issues outside of work. Can you relate? I was blessed to have a group of women who serve across the country in churches and organizations who were my prayer warriors then, and still are today! One day during the difficult work situation, I received a prayer from one of these prayer warriors. This was her prayer: In moments of being pushed and pulled, take a deep breath and say, LORD Jesus (from your lips),…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  What I'm Reading

    Read These!

    Read this post from LifeWay Research regarding recruiting volunteers. I’ve used this method for 30 years, so much better than picking people for positions, which I’ve also done! A New Approach to Volunteers: 5 Tips for Getting a “Yes” in a Culture of “No” How’s your leadership heart doing? Find out here from one of my fav podcaster/bloggers Carey Neiuwhof. 7 Early Warning Signs Your Heart Is Growing Hard in Leadership Although leadership is not always fun and easy, when God calls us to do it, we want to do it to the best of our God-given ability even when it’s hard! The amazing blessings of serving are worth any…

  • General,  Generations,  Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Impatience in Finding God’s Will

    I love discipling Christian young women. They are so hungry to know Jesus and serve Him with their life. They are desperately seeking His calling, His purpose. They want to obey it and start living it out. But one thing I’m seeing as well is that they want that purpose to be clear and immediate. Their whole world is instant so why would understanding God’s will not also be instant? There is an impatience about their finding His will that sometimes leads to not being content, at peace, with where God has them currently. They may even be thinking, as I was in my younger life, that once we find…

  • General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    What Does it Take For Your Heart to Burn?

    My Bible reading this week, took me to Luke 24. I love the new insights the Holy Spirit gave me as I studied the passage this time. This is resurrection morning, so imagine being one of Jesus’ followers and what you might be experiencing that day. I want to make two points I believe the Lord said to me that morning. Take time to stop here and read that chapter if you can. Make a note of anything that refers to something that is bright, light, or fire-like. First the women, who came to anoint Jesus’ body, saw two dazzling men! Or, as the Bible states: “two men stood by…

  • Beach Lessons,  Blessings

    Loving the Word

    Have you ever hunted for something a long time before finding it? Did you rejoice and appreciate what you found? God impressed this upon me during my month at the beach last fall. Here’s how He spoke. Shells were few on the Gulf Coast shore last year. Since this is my favorite thing to do at the beach, I continued to hunt and hope. Thinking a beautiful shell would be in the very next wave. Even though I came away almost empty each time, I continued to look. Isn’t that how it is sometimes when we read God’s Word? During some seasons we just seem to come up empty, but…