Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Trial

Hope…Earthly or Eternal?

Do you hope it will rain this week like we do? We were drenched all spring, and are now totally dry! Do you have a hard relationship you hope to fully restore? Do you hope you get a big raise soon? Do you hope the doctor’s diagnosis will change when you return for follow up?

All of these are good things to hope for. We should hope, and pray, for these things. But, the reality is, we may or may not get what we hope for. 

For a believer, hope takes on a  deeper level of meaning. Complete hope is fulfilled in eternity. Nothing good will be held back. Every dream we’ve ever had will not even hold a spark against light of life in the constant presence of Jesus!

Photo by Ronak Valobobhai on Unsplash

I’m reminded of scripture that assures us Jesus…is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think… (Ephesians 3:20). When we put our hope in Him, we are able to face unmet earthly wants, desires and hopes.

Earthly hopes are often accompanied by something we must do to help accomplish them. If a relationship needs mending, we may reach out and connect with the one we care about. In hoping for physical healing, we may take medicine, endure procedures, or therapy. In seeking higher pay, we work extra hard, or extra hours, to earn a raise. 

In contrast, as we hope for eternal life, there is nothing we can do to make salvation happen except ask Jesus to save us. We can’t work harder to be good. We can’t take a prescription to have eternal healing. We can only say yes to Jesus and accept what He has already done on the cross. 

So, hope for those earthly things you desire, but hold them loosely. Hold tight to eternal hope so you can live with those other desires, whether they are ever met or not. Knowing eternity is ahead, and better than anything on earth, keeps us looking in the right direction for contentment, peace and complete satisfaction forever! 

Ponder 1 Peter 1:3-4…

Banner photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

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