Knowing God’s Will Part 3: Lessons From Experiencing God
Do you ever wonder what God is doing? And when you feel led to serve Him in some way, do you wonder why? Because God is working all the time and in every place to bring His purpose into our lives. This is Reality 1 of Experiencing God: God is always at work around you. (Check out parts 1-2 to understand the direction for this series, Knowing God’s Will.)
We see in the life of Moses how God worked to protect Moses’ life, show Him the slavery of His Hebrew brothers, lead him into the wilderness to shepherd sheep and then send him to Egypt to gain release for the Israelites so he could shepherd them!
When we live a God-centered life, we focus on God’s purposes, not our own plans. This began to be reality in my life when I was faced with infertility and had no idea what my purpose would be if it wasn’t to be a mom. The Lord used this to draw me deeper into an understanding that He designed a purpose for me whether it included children or not.
We must submit to Him and wait for Him to reveal where He’s as work, then obey. We are NOT to plan, then pray! God’s job is not to make my plans succeed, but to draw me into His plan His way so that He gets the glory, not me.
God opens our eyes to see what He is already doing around us. Then He speaks to us today directly through His Holy Spirit and His Word.
He impresses us to apply His truth in our lives. We must accept His invitation to join Him as we study, pray, and watch for circumstances to open the doors of opportunity. When things all line up, we are to follow IMMEDIATELY! Even if we are not equipped to do what He asks! (We rarely are!)
Hebrews 1:1-2
But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.
John 14:26
God impresses us to apply His truth in our lives. We must accept His invitation to join Him as we study, pray, and watch for circumstances to open the doors of opportunity. When things all line up, we are to follow IMMEDIATELY! Even if we are not equipped to do what He asks! (We rarely are!)
I was NOT equipped to serve at LifeWay when I was called. But I had already surrendered my purpose to Him. He led me first to minister to children, then women, then later to lead women denominationally. Each time He equipped me as I followed His leading. Moses wasn’t equipped either…just look at all the excuses He gave God! (See Exodus 3-4) But God equipped Him for the task and God got the glory!
Through Him, as as He reveals Scripture, I can trust Him to be the best of guides as He shows me how this Truth applies to my life right now! As I grow in my love relationship with God, I see His will more clearly.
But what if we make a wrong decision. Read these two quotes.

So, submit to Him and watch for where He’s working around you, then listen to His call and follow it as best as you know how!
Banner photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash