Thursday’s Encouraging Message
This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday throughout the year. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy! Please see link to Thursday’s Do What He Says . Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash
Your Memorial Stones
I wrote last week about stepping into the water and told you I wanted to follow up this week talking about memorial stones. So read that post first if you didn’t see it last week. In Joshua 4, after the Israelites had stepped into the water, saw the waters part, and walked across on dry land, God gave Joshua a directive. He said to choose a person from each of the 12 tribes to go back into the dry river bed and choose 12 stones (boulders, actually, that had to be lifted onto their shoulders) to build a memorial. What were these stones for? Why did God tell them to do this?…