Beach Lessons

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Unity

    SO Much to be Thankful For

    2020 has brought many surprises and unexpected lifestyle transitions. At first it was not too bad. For most, extra time at home became a treasure to those whose lives were hectic. After a while though, virtual school and zoom meetings became a bit tiring. Not being able to eat out whenever you wanted and having to wear masks everywhere became tiresome. Watching church on line was a blessing for sure. Staying in bed longer and worshiping in pjs wasn’t too bad…at first. But after weeks of this, I LONGED to be back in corporate worship. And zoom life group was a life-saver to our women’s life group, but we SO…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading


    I read Psalm 16 today, a beautiful testimony of David about his God, his Refuge. It took me back once again, to my Hurricane Sally experience. If you’ve read my previous posts (Part 1: Peace Over the Storms, here, Part 2: My Cornerstone here, and Part 3: More Lessons from Hurricane Sally here), you know I said, I THOUGHT the last one was the final in that series. Well, I guess it wasn’t! Processing this experience just takes time. In Psalm 16 (feel free to stop and read it, it’s short), David claims God as his Lord as he prayed for protection. He mentions relying on God’s counsel at night…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial

    More Lessons From Hurricane Sally

    I’m till processing and learning from our experience of riding out Hurricane Sally. This is the third, and probably (although I’m not promising) the last post on this.  I’d encourage you to read the first two posts (Part 1: Peace Over the Storms, here  and Part 2: My Cornerstone here) before you start this third post. Sometimes it takes a while to process an experience and see God’s hand in it all. I believe with all my heart God is sovereign and not one thing happens without His permission as well as His purpose. So I’m warning you, this is not a short post since I process God’s lessons partially…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    MY Cornerstone!

    Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash As I write this series following Hurricane Sally, I’d love to encourage you to read the first post, Peace Over the Storms, here before you start this second post. When a building is constructed, it has what is called a cornerstone to make it secure and give direction to the building. It unites two masonry walls and is the starting place for construction. It’s absolutely essential, or indispensable, to the building. Personally, I am so grateful for the cornerstone in the 18 floor (we were on 16) condominium we were in while on vacation in Perdido Key when Hurricane Sally chose make landfall in…

  • Beach Lessons,  Hurricane Sally,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Peace Over the Storms

    Normally, by now, during our extended time at the beach each fall, I’ve had a number of “beach lessons”. Until today (September 14, the day I began this post), this year I’d not had what I consider a beach lesson, although I’ve had lots of balcony Jesus time. This morning, this was the scene I watched as tropical storm Sally was about  to become hurricane Sally. This is the third coastal hurricane we’ve experienced, but it’s not something we ever look forward to by any means! Waves were crashing and, yet, I felt safe sitting on the 16th floor balcony of our condo looking down at the churning water. All…

  • Beach Lessons,  General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Grab It While You Can

    During our annual month long beach trip this year we had more cold, stormy, and windy days than normal for this time of year. But the last two days were especially beautiful and sunny. The water finally cleared up so we could see sharks and rays in the water from our balcony. And, as I walked on the beach those days, I could see the shells that were in the water. When there were strong winds blowing, the waves were crashing harder, and, of course, the water was much murkier. I’d not had many days of combing the shallow water for shells this trip, so, even though it was chilly,…

  • Beach Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Unity,  What I'm Reading

    When We Fall Down

    Beach Lesson #2, 2019 One morning while sitting on the beach, I saw a women walking down the shoreline. But on her return trip back, she appeared somewhat unstable as she walked on the edge of the surf right in front of where we sat. I kept watching her, and sure enough, she fell and began rolling in the water unable to get up. My husband and I jumped up and ran over to help her stand up and fish her sunglasses out of the water. Once she was standing again, we asked her if she was okay. She said yes and, after we advised her to walk on the…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    Have You Paddled Out Too Far?

    Beach Lesson #1, 2019 On our first day of our fall beach vacation this year this happened…. I looked out our balcony to see 3 emergency vehicles towing jet skis with lights flashing. Of course, I was curious as to what was going on and went for the binoculars. I could see one of the rescuers also looking through binoculars but pointed toward the horizon. As I continued to watch, eventually a paddle boarder appeared…just this side of the horizon and very far from shore. A girl in a bikini with a hat on, and no life vest. When she got almost to shore, she got off her board and…

  • Beach Lessons,  General,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    Embrace God’s Love

    I recently taught at a retreat…at the beach, no less! The theme was Embrace the Journey and my general session topics were based on embracing God’s attributes of love, forgiveness, holiness and faithfulness. As I studied and prepared, the Lord truly blessed and taught me much. This will be part 1 of a four part series of posts dealing with these attributes. Knowing God’s attributes is one thing, but embracing them is totally different. As we take a look at these four attributes of God, I want us to consider moving from head to heart by embracing of each one. I spent a lot of years living a mediocre life…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  What I'm Reading

    I Blew It…And Yet

    On a recent Sunday morning, my husband and I left our house at 7:30 a.m. to attend worship. Normally there is little traffic at that hour. At the stop light to get out of our neighborhood we saw emergency lights and a couple of police officers stopping traffic. I knew we had a race that Sunday, actually a triathlon, but had no idea that every single way out of our subdivision would be blocked…for 30 solid minutes! The longer we sat there, the madder I got. How could they expect us to just sit there and not move until every single biker went by in front of us and then…