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Obedience and Legacy

Have you ever followed someone who disappointed you? If you’ve lived long enough, it has probably happened more than once. Leaders are human and make mistakes. 

Hebrews 13:7 tells us to, Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith.” We only follow as they are following Christ. Watching their lives helps us discern this. Paul also mentions several times, follow (or imitate) me as I follow (or imitate) Christ. 

Has anyone ever followed you into disobedience? If anyone can say no to this, I need to meet you! My disobedience can influence others into disobedience. Obedience is how we are to walk with Christ. What He says, we are to do. 

Children often respond to instruction from a parent with the question, why? I have to admit that’s my response to the Lord sometimes. Perhaps we need to ask, how do you want me to obey rather than why

Each time we take that step of obedience to God, we get to experience His faithfulness, even though it may not be immediate or obvious. Why? Because according to 2 Timothy 2:13, God cannot be anything other than faithful because it’s who He is!

Our legacy is one of obedience, or disobedience, depending on our response to the Lord’s commands. We see in Genesis 22 an example of immediate, unquestioning obedience as Abraham takes his long awaited son of promise to be sacrificed to God. God gave Him the command and he did it!

As I’m studying Ecclesiastes (in depth for the first time actually!), the writer, understood to Solomon, discovers the answer to life’s strivings is: fear God and obey His commands (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

I asked my life group, What is something God has been calling you to do that you need to follow through with obedience?  This is a question we should ask ourselves continually. 

A favorite quote by T. W. Hunt reminds us of a hard but important truth: When God gives us a command, we do not need to understand His directive we need to understand His authority.

We must be in God’s Word to know His commands. Psalm 119:11 says,  I have treasured your Word in my heart that I may not sin against you.

Pray this Psalm.

Let’s model and leave a legacy of obedient faith as we fear God and obey His commands.Then help others to follow you as you follow Christ. That’s a disciple and disciple-maker.

Banner photo by Laura Fuhrman on Unsplash

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