Obedience and Legacy
Have you ever followed someone who disappointed you? If you’ve lived long enough, it has probably happened more than once. Leaders are human and make mistakes. Hebrews 13:7 tells us to, Remember your leaders who have spoken God’s word to you. As you carefully observe the outcome of their lives, imitate their faith.” We only follow as they are following Christ. Watching their lives helps us discern this. Paul also mentions several times, follow (or imitate) me as I follow (or imitate) Christ. Has anyone ever followed you into disobedience? If anyone can say no to this, I need to meet you! My disobedience can influence others into disobedience. Obedience…
Who Do You Imitate?
How would you answer the question in the title of this post? A celebrity? Best friend? Sports hero? What about the “cloud of witnesses” we see in the book of Hebrews in chapter 12? When I was in elementary school, I played “teacher” after my all time fav teacher. Mrs. Evans was so kind to the students. My fondest memory was when she gave me a peppermint candy in class because I was coughing. I felt loved and cared for, and quite special since I was the only one who got one that day! She was always smiling. In my teen years sometimes I would imitate friends I thought were…