Doing Battle
I’m mad and I’m doing battle! Last weekend I got really ticked at the enemy! I know better. I know his tactics. But sometimes I still fall prey to his lies.
Heading out to teach at a weekend women’s retreat I was not at the airport long before seeing my flight was going to be a little delayed. Not a problem, right? I have an hour at my connecting airport to still make it, don’t I? But, this is Atlanta, so, well, hmmmm. When the delay grew, my fear was that there was not another flight into the smaller city where I was to arrive. So, I asked the gate agent what my options were if I didn’t make my connection.
Good news…there’s another flight (ONE only I believe) and it’s 2 and 1/2 hours after my original. Ok, whew, well there’s a way to get there anyway. Good! So, we take off and in my dreams, the pilot will make up for all lost time…one hour…in the air and I’ll make that earlier flight. Otherwise, my hostess will be late getting to the retreat site, I’ll have less time to regroup and begin teaching, etc. etc.
So as I boarded my flight out of Nashville, I was not in a great mood and didn’t want to talk to anyone. So much for any divine appointments on that flight! My thoughts were focused on “just let me make my connection!”
We landed just as my flight was taking off. I know, my rose colored glasses were a bit ambitious but I thought, just maybe! So I wasn’t in a much better frame of mind on my second leg of the itinerary. Then my concerns for inconveniencing my hostess continued to grow. Next, the enemy began the subtle darts of doubt…what do you have to say that will mean anything? What makes you think they even want to listen to you.
Y’all, I know better! It’s NOT about me! God loved these women way more than I did. I didn’t even know most of them at all! I’ve done this for 30 years now. I should know better! But, without standing on truth, I hear those lies and they begin to cause doubts and then sometimes I begin to even believe them.
We arrived at the retreat and I had almost 2 hours till we began. Great! But because I’d felt out of synch and had started listening to doubt, I felt a lack of confidence. I prayed, of course, laid it down, sought the Holy Spirit’s power. I knew in my heart, the enemy does not care when we aren’t doing God’s business. But when we are, he shows up big time!
Friday night was great, except I still felt out of synch. I hadn’t really become comfortable with the room and the mic kept coming loose! So, after we finished, I felt a bit discouraged. I went to my room and talked to my Father about it all. I asked Him to do what only He could and for me to let go of my self-concern and lack of confidence trusting Him for His bigger plan.
Saturday’s sessions were different. I felt as though I’d stopped listening to the enemy and laid it at Jesus’ feet to do what ever He chose. I prayed to love these sweet women and for Him to speak specifically to each of us. That is when things changed and I got to watch HIM work!
It was easy to love these precious ladies and praise God for His Word and His teaching. One of the stories I share often is when God called me to write my heartbreak of “infertility” on a piece of paper, tear it up and lay if on the altar. I was teaching the women about handing to Him whatever life circumstance we felt we must have to find contentment.
Guess what, several women from the retreat said they wanted to do that the next morning at church. The leader contacted the pastor who would preach the next day. On Monday I got this from my hostess:
We had ten of our young ladies from the retreat walk forward during the invitation, bow and pray on the altar, tear up their “burdens” and place them in a basket. It was so moving. Our Associate pastor tied it in perfectly with his sermon, and the rest of us in the pews were weeping. Thank you, Chris! God worked and continues to work through you!
It wasn’t ME (which is what kept me in a funk Friday). It was HIM in ME! Only then does it matter or make a difference.
Sunday morning at my church, our pastor preached on David and Goliath. And even after studying this recently in my chronological reading of scripture (and many other times before that as well), he taught us some fresh perspectives on this story. Our worship music was centered around doing battle with the enemy.
SO, that afternoon I put together a play list I titled “Doing Battle” because I knew I would need this again. In addition to the Bible, worship music centered His Truth, touches me deeply. I decided not if, but when, the enemy tries this same tactic again, I will blast this play list on Him and over me!

I hope this list blesses you and I believe I’ll add to it over time. What songs would you add to this “Doing Battle” playlist?
Remember what 1 Peter 5:8 reminds us about this enemy:
Be sober-minded, be alert. Your adversary the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour. Resist him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.
But also, claim this truth in 1 John 4:4 over the knowledge of the presence of Satan:
You are from God, little children, and you have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
And, Romans 8:31: What then are we to say about these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
He is greater and He is worthy of our trust and our complete humble submissive life of faith. Do battle in His strength!

Thank you, Chris, for your transparency. We are so excited that you are coming to share with us in October. Our planning team is praying for you. I love your playlist and I have added it to my phone this morning. ((((((HUGS)))))) and prayers.
Chris Adams
I am so excited to get to be with you! Have been praying and working on the messages I pray God will design and use for His glory to minister to these women!