• Blessings,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  Waiting,  What I'm Reading

    He’s Got the Power!

    Do you ever waver in your belief in someone? Someone you normally would trust? Have you ever wavered in your trust in God? You know He has all power and wisdom, that He is sovereign, faithful and good, that nothing surprises Him. But sometimes you…just forget? Me too. My Bible reading today included Romans 4. Verses 20-21 became a lifeline to me in a difficult time in ministry years ago. A time when I was just over it, didn’t want to continue. I sought God’s direction of whether to walk away from this ministry position, or stick it out, but couldn’t get a clear answer. Then one day, this verse…

  • General,  Leadership Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  Test,  Trial,  What I'm Reading

    The Why and How of Finishing Well

    Some of you know I am reading the Bible chronologically with my D-group, and that this isn’t the first time I’ve read this way. You may also know that I’ve said several times, I learn more each time I re-read these passages. It happened again when I was reading a favorite part of the New Testament, 2 Timothy in particular. I love how Paul never wavered in his passionate and obedient service to Christ after he met the Lord on that dusty Damascus road (Acts 9). Why did he do that despite the difficulties he faced? And how did he do it? I think the key to this mystery is…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons


    All of us have been disappointed by someone.  A parent. A pastor. An employer. A friend. I’ve also disappointed me! And I bet you disappointed yourself as well. It’s hard to watch the news without seeing another well known person fall. It could be us. So, let me ask you…who holds you accountable? Romans 14:12 (“So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God”) reminds us that ultimately it’s God we are accountable to. But aren’t you grateful that God allows humans in the body of Christ to walk beside us on this earth? Those who love us, but aren’t impressed by us. Those who will…