• Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Spiritual Growth

    The Look of Maturity

    For a caterpillar turned butterfly, we know what maturity looks like. There are stages of growth that we recognize if the larvae is growing properly inside its encasing. If you need a refresher science course, I found this interesting video showing how this happens,! We know what to expect for the butterfly-to-be. What about spiritual maturity? It’s not so cut and dried is it? If we are to grow as a disciple of Christ and become a disciple maker, as Matthew 28:18-20, instructs us, then we must assess whether growth is happening or not. So what are some things we are to look for? Let’s ask ourselves if we are…

  • Blessings,  General,  Lessons,  Trial

    Grow Through What You Go Through

    I saw this sign in Target recently and stopped to look at it for a while: Seems like this is the story of my life. As I stood there thinking about the message painted on the glass, I remembered how many times, when I’ve faced something really hard, I do not want to learn anything. I just want it over! But at the same time, when I think back to all the tough experiences I’ve lived through, I wouldn’t change any of them because each one has matured me and taught me more about God. I can’t imagine how I would’ve made it these “growing” seasons without Christ. He was…