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That One Prayer

At work once, before I retired from LifeWay in 2017, our team was in a very stressful season. We were all struggling to get our work done by deadlines and many of us also struggled with issues outside of work. Can you relate?

I was blessed to have a group of women who serve across the country in churches and organizations who were my prayer warriors then, and still are today! One day during the difficult work situation, I received a prayer from one of these prayer warriors.

This was her prayer: In moments of being pushed and pulled, take a deep breath and say, LORD Jesus (from your lips), LORD Jesus (from your heart), LORD Jesus (from your spirit). With that moment of getting to the depth of your spirit, I believe you will find yourself soaring like eagles with a God’s eye perspective of your thorns, your pressures, and yourself.

I read this to my team after it blessed me so much. They ask me to see if she would also cover the entire team with this prayer. Of course she said yes, and we felt those prayers. I quoted those very words to myself over and over. That one prayer helped me focus on the faithfulness of Jesus to help us accomplish, each day, what He deemed important, and to trust Him with what did not get done. 

As I repeated the words, LORD Jesus (from my lips), LORD Jesus (from my heart), LORD Jesus (from my spirit), I could take a deep breath and refocus on where my power really comes from. 

Have you ever had someone pray something specific for you that you held on to? Were you blessed, strengthened, or comforted by the prayer. Did you tell the one who prayed this for you how much it meant? If not, it’s never too late to do it!

Paul wrote to Thessalonian believers that since the Lord would be coming back suddenly and without warning:

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Have you ever written a prayer to someone in need? Ask the Lord to prompt you to pray for people around you. Then write a note, text or email, or pick up the phone, and let her know you are praying. It’s just possible she will be strengthened and encouraged just as I was by my friend’s words. And so was my entire team!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Banner photo by Olivia Snow on Unsplash

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