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Waiting with Patience?

I’m not necessarily a patient person. I applaud those who are. Tending to work fast on most anything, I am a “get’er done” kind of gal. Waiting in line, waiting on answers, and well…just waiting in general, is REALLY hard! 

This year the Lord directed me to memorize Romans 8. My verses for this week are 24-25. The context is how we were saved through our hope in Christ and now we eagerly wait for our full redemption when Jesus returns and makes all things new. 

Read back a few verses in your Bible, or better yet, the entire chapter to get a better look at the context.

My post last week, Are You Blooming?, reminded me that I must continue to thrive and bear fruit as I wait for answers. Waiting in hope is how we are to live until Jesus comes back, unless we enter eternity before then. I love these verses about hoping in what we cannot see. If we can see it, there’s no need for hope. We must walk in faith even when the present feels hopeless. And wait patiently as we live in hope.

When we cannot see what we want and pray for, we look to the One who does. We, like Peter, must keep our eyes on Jesus if we want to survive a storm. We, like the witnesses we see in Hebrews 11 who have gone before us, must keep our eyes ahead as we run our race, looking to Jesus who is the very author of our faith. 

Photo by Andrew Tanglao on Unsplash

This is a bit of a theme for me right now and I needed it! It just “so happened” that this was where I was in my memorizing Romans 8. This is the Timeliness of His Word.

I love how God always knows exactly what we need and speaks Truth to us! I pray He is speaking into your life today. Are you listening?

Lord, with you there is hope no matter what. Help us to wait patiently for what we hope for even as we trust you and the way you work it out.

If you’d like, use link in profile and check out these posts, Are You Listening? and Are You Listening Now?, as well as this category Waiting.

Banner photo by Wolfgang Hasselmann on Unsplash

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