Are You Blooming?

I wrote on a similar topic a while back, Grow Through What You Go Through, but the day I took this photo, I was sitting outside on the deck having time in the Word and kept looking at this new flag on our deck. I loved the vivid colors, but more than that I want to do what this says.
All that God was saying to me lately came together in this thought, bloom where you are planted. There are some things I am not really happy about right now, but can’t do anything about. So, this thought is especially poignant.
In John 15, Jesus teaches His followers how essential it is to stay connected to the vine to grow and bear fruit.

Consider the plants, fruit trees and flowers that are currently growing. What happens if a limb is severed from the vine or tree? I know this is familiar to many of you, but do any of you just need a reminder like I do?
Or perhaps you have my problem. A deer or rabbit takes the blooms from my plants. I’ve experienced it worse than ever this year!
Sometimes, Satan tries to sever our relationship with Christ. We know, as His children, that is impossible, but he sure can snip our blooms, bringing pain and frustration.
If I can keep the animals off my geraniums, I get new blooms that once again grace my front porch. Similarly, you will keep bearing fruit if you stay connected to the vine! There will be new growth in spite of the attacks.
The only way I am able to face every challenge is my connection with Jesus and His Word. Truly, there is power and wisdom for ANYTHING God allows into our lives. We can walk through it all, and come out closer to Him because of it, bearing spiritual fruit.
Read the entire chapter of John 15 if you need confirmation of this truth! Let’s be women who walk in light of this every.single.day!
I just want to say, thank you so much for letting me process through this blog what God is teaching me. I pray what He is teaching me encourages you!
P.S. Further reading on the topic of “blooming”: Are You Blooming in Real Life?
Banner photo by David Köhler on Unsplash