Unfilter Your Faith: Lessons From a Social Media Fast #5
This is the final post in this Social Media Fast series. Feel free to go back and read the first 4.
I wonder if any of you who have chosen to read this blog series are struggling in your spiritual journey? Looking at events around you in fear and doubt? Are you struggling to hear from God? Perhaps, like my daughter, you need to “unfilter” something in your life so you can hear more clearly.

By the way, she has held true to her keeping notifications off and limiting time on social media for this week! I asked her how it as going, and it has been something she has continued…which is a good thing because she now homeschools 4 of her at home kids!
Maybe this challenge of fasting a week from all social media (or better yet all internet?) is one you want to take. If so, I pray your experience will take you deeper in your faith than you have ever been. Perhaps you will learn some new ways of interacting online. Share what you learn with someone else, as my daughter has allowed me to share her journals!
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