6 Great Posts for the New Year
I’ve read so many great posts to help us kick off a new year that I decided to share those this week. No matter what you are facing today, walk into this new year in the power of Christ, trusting Him for everything ahead.
1.Here is a great article about what is on the minds of young adults: THE REAL ISSUE TROUBLING OUR MINDS RIGHT NOW

2.Many of us consider health and exercise at the start of a new year. Here are some helpful tips: HOW TO USE EXERCISE AS ONE OF YOUR LEADERSHIP TOOLS IN 2021

3.LifeWay leaders share their 2021 prayers: PRAYERS FOR THE NEW YEAR

4.Encouragement from a well known preacher: A GOOD WORD FROM CHARLES SPURGEON ON THE NEW YEAR

5.Perhaps you hesitate to start a Bible reading plan because you think you are too busy, not smart enough, or don’t really need one. Reading scripture is ESSENTIAL for a growing follower of Christ. Here are 5 TIPS TO HELP YOU FACE YOUR BIBLE-READING FEARS IN 2021

6.How to turn new year’s disappointments into something positive: WHY A DISAPPOINTING 2021 CAN BE AN OPPORTUNITY

God’s got it…each and every day ahead in 2021. His sovereignty is our assurance that He is in control of every aspect of our lives, of our communities, of our nation. We can rest in that until we welcome in 2022!