• Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth

    A Short Fuse

    Being Scotch-Irish through my dad’s side of the family, I grew up seeing a short fuse in action. And I inherited that short fuse! For a long time I just blamed it on my family background. But eventually, the Lord convicted me of my impatience and quick response of anger.  I’m still learning about patience, but over the years I have seen God’s work in helping to lessen my quick, hot anger. One day I came across this quote from an unknown author:  The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence. Quite convicting. Proverbs 29:11 says… A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man holds it…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth

    A God Assignment: Eyes on Others

    Where are you right now? What neighborhood do you live in? Where do you work? Who do you Iive with and are responsible for? Where do you shop? And what’s on your heart? What have you learned? Who do you often pass by and hardly notice? Questions worth considering from time to time. Chris Tiegreen said: God has not placed us where we are simply for the output we can produce, whether at a factory, at a desk, at school, or at home with children. He has put us there because that is a context in which He wants to display Himself. Really? At my nail salon? In my workplace? Within…

  • Favorite Quotes,  Knowing God's Will,  Spiritual Growth,  Test

    A Passion for the Impossible

    Sometimes I find myself in a comfortable place, not looking for a new thing, or a challenge that would move me out of that rut. After a while, I become comfortable with with my rut to the point of feeling stagnant. Then I find myself seeking a challenge to show me new steps to take, or new things to learn.  Perhaps that’s where the disciples were as they were going out to share the Gospel, heal the sick, and perform miracles in the name of Jesus. When they failed to drive out a demon from a possessed boy, they asked Jesus why. His response was: “Because of your little faith,” he…