His Salvation…My Worship
When I first accepted Christ as my Savior, I really didn’t understand all it encompassed. But at that point, I took all I understood about Jesus and said, Yes! to Him. It wasn’t until I was personally discipled several years later I really learned how to grow as I read His Word myself and got to see who He really is. His attributes were more than I earlier imagined. The apostle Paul grew quickly after His salvation. If you want a full dive into the doctrine of salvation, just read through the book of Romans he wrote. Perhaps because Jesus had so radically turned Paul’s life around—from persecutor of Christians…
What Do You Idolize?
One of my current reads is The Reason for God: Belief in the Age of Skepticism by Timothy Keller. Although not an easy read, this book is powerful to equip believers in this season of spiritual skepticism. It is also a phenomenal book to help us talk to those who do not believe in Jesus, or for them to read to make a decision about what they will do with Him. Tim Keller quotes Soren Keirkegaard about the issue of sin: “Sin is: in despair not wanting to be oneself before God…Faith is: that the self in being itself and wanting to be itself is grounded transparently in God.” Then…