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Complaints and Provision

One day this past week I read Exodus 16-17, and I was reminded again of how Israel complained and God provided. I was also reminded of how I do the same, even though I hate to admit it! 

The Israelites had been freed from Egypt through the Red Sea and right away complained about not having the kinds of food they had in captivity! Like Israel, I find myself complaining about insignificant things while ignoring the ways God provides for all my needs every day. 

As I spent time with the Lord this day, I reflected on a quote by Elisabeth Elliot that I’ve kept handy ever since I read it:

We accept, and thank God, for what is given, not allowing the not given to spoil it. Elisabeth Elliot

Add to that another quote I chose to focus on this week:

Job 1:21 shows us how Job responded to the loss of everything he had:  …Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will leave this life. The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away. Praise the name of the Lord.

As Israel let go of choice foods and slavery in Egypt, God would provide so much more as He led them into the promised land. They had to let go to take hold. So do we. 

Often, the Lord has to pry our hands and hearts away from something to take hold of something better, even though it may take some time to receive it. This strongly connects to the journey of studying biblical lament God has had me on since this past year. 

To appreciate what is, we often have to lament what is not. Perhaps you, like me, must get before the Lord to honestly deal with your unmet expectations in some area of your life…or maybe several areas! He loves our honest prayers. Perhaps that is what He is waiting on to provide that something better! 

P.S. I’m sure this is not the first time I’ve shared these quotes, but they continue to convict me!

Banner photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

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