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Step By Step

My D-Group is reading through the Bible chronologically and recently transitioned from the end of Genesis into Exodus. Each time I read through the Bible, I discover deeper truths. As I came to Exodus 1:8-10, I was reminded once again of God’s sovereignty as He works out His plan for the restoration of His people. 

A new king, who did not know about Joseph, came to power in Egypt. He said to his people, “Look, the Israelite people are more numerous and powerful than we are. Come, let’s deal shrewdly with them; otherwise they will multiply further, and when war breaks out, they will join our enemies, fight against us, and leave the country.”  Exodus 1:8-10

Joseph was no longer alive, and the new king was unaware of Egypt’s history with him and his family. Because they became so numerous and strong, they would now be slaves in this foreign land. 

Although Jacob and all his sons and their families had moved to Egypt to survive the famine, they had been promised by God to become a nation living in Canaan. Becoming enslaved to this new king was the next step in their trek toward Canaan. Though their immediate future would be very difficult, they needed to be in this position for Moses to bring them out of Egypt in the future.

Slavery was the next step in God‘s plan to move his people to the promised land. Isn’t that like God? He uses everything to bring about His perfect plan for the Jewish nation. God‘s plan continues to unfold throughout scripture step by step. Throughout our lives, He works His plan for us step by step, even when we may feel oppressed at times. 

Every hard place is the next step in His strategy. As I study scripture, God’s words as truth become more real to me.  As His followers, we aren’t meandering through life trying to make a plan. He has a plan, and He uses all things to bring it about in our lives. 

What does that look like to you today? If you are in a hard season, ask Jesus what you can learn as you take the next step of obedience and trust His sovereignty over your life. 

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