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From Garden to Garden

In finishing up my current D-group with a special celebration, we discussed the end of the Bible as we read through Revelation. I’m not surprised anymore by new things God reveals through reading His Word over and over. Sometimes it’s something completely new to me, or understood at a deeper level. Other times, it’s a timely reminder of something I already knew.

That’s what happened as I read Revelation 21-22 this time. My thoughts turned to the idea of “garden to garden.”  What was revealed through John’s revelation was an indescribable new heaven and earth. Similar to the newness the original garden was to Adam and Eve, the new garden will be so much more. 

Photo by Sergei Gussev on StockSnap

Though John did his best to share the glory of this new home that would be eternal, I don’t think there’s any way he could truly put words to what the Lord revealed to him. Though I’m so grateful for his words, I’m also excited that he only barely grasped how glorious it will be. 

Different from Eden where its residents had a choice to obey or disobey God’s one restriction, we won’t need restrictions because our enemy Satan will not be able to creep up on us and tempt us to doubt or defy God’s best for us. 

Currently, we sometimes wonder why God allows a hard season or experience. We can’t make sense of it, and surely, cannot figure out how this will glorify Him and be for our good (Romans 8:28). One day, there will be not one doubt, temptation, or pain. 

So, how do we live in that reality? Trusting the one who knows it all and remembering the longest part of our existence will not be on earth, but in heaven…if you have trusted Christ as your Savior. 

And even as a follower, life is hard and tedious at times. But each difficulty, in the loving hands of Jesus, shows us more of who He is and how He never fails us. He never leaves us. He is always faithful because He can be no other way. 

What Timothy said is 100% true…

This saying is trustworthy: For if we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he will also deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself.

2 Timothy 2:11-13

Stand on this Truth today remembering, from garden to garden, we can and will walk from victory to victory!

Photo by Florian GIORGIO on Unsplash

Banner photo by Ignacio Correia on Unsplash

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