Spiritual Growth,  Struggle and Loss,  Texas Legacy Tour,  Trial

Texas Legacy Tour Part 1: The Trip Begins

Perhaps it’s my age, although I’m not old! It’s a state of mind more than chronological years! But I think back over my life a lot these days. One of the items on my retirement bucket list got checked off last week. 

I wanted to make a trip back to Texas where we had a lot of history. My husband was born and raised in Texas and I grew up there. We met, fell in love and married in Texas. Our parents were born and are buried there. It’s also where we spent the first 25 years of our married life, became parents and raised our daughters. It’s also where we fell in love with TexMex. Something Tennessee doesn’t have!

Three Facebook albums are filled with photos and captions to leave a history for our kids and grands

Knowing it would be nostalgic, I looked forward to remembering all God had done in our lives and in us personally over the past 53 years of marriage, and even prior to that as we grew from childhood into adulthood.

It’s no surprise that the Lord orchestrated this to be the exact time we would make this trip. Following  a difficult fall last year, I’m in a season of learning what lament is and how to lament in a healthy way…something we aren’t taught much about. I intentionally just started a Bible study on Ecclesiastes by Hannah Anderson, Life Under the Sun

Because of all this, I realize this is more than a single blog, but rather a series of posts in a category I’m labeling Texas Legacy Tour. I’ve written several posts about our losses (see Struggle and Loss category) last fall as well as some confusing times lasting into the new year and spring. 

The almost 3000 mile 10 day legacy trip was truly a gift from the Lord.

Because I’ve learned to hold my plans more loosely since last fall, I wasn’t convinced this trip would happen until we headed west!

So, as I process how I will share this experience and what I’m learning from the Lord regarding the trip and this season of life, feel free to check out the Struggle and Loss category for some of the back story. Keep watching for upcoming posts in the Texas Legacy Tour category!

Banner photo by Pete Alexopoulos on Unsplash

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