The Weight Of It All
What is the heaviest thing you’ve ever held or worn? What did that feel like? Now add 20 pounds to that & feel the weight. I do not enjoy heavy clothes in winter, much preferring to summer wear that is so much more comfortable. I can’t imagine adding more weight to my heaviest winter coat which is already heavy!
Approaching Holy Week, my chronological Bible reading had me in Exodus, having recently read about the first Passover as Israel left Egypt bound for the land God promised would be theirs.
As happens so very often, something jumped off the page to me and immediately connected with Easter approaching. Another Old Testament/New Testament connection I’ve written about often.
Exodus 28 describes part of the garments Aaron was to wear as high priest who would enter the Holy of Holies to meet with God. If you read that entire chapter you will see more details on all that Aaron would have to put on. What stunned me was how heavy this clothing would be as he also carried the weight of all the guilt of the tribes of Israel into that holy place.
“Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of Israel’s sons: six of their names on the first stone and the remaining six names on the second stone, in the order of their birth. Engrave the two stones with the names of Israel’s sons as a gem cutter engraves a seal. Mount them, surrounded with gold filigree settings. Fasten both stones on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the Israelites. Aaron will carry their names on his two shoulders before the LORD as a reminder. Fashion gold filigree settings and two chains of pure gold; you will make them of braided cord work, and attach the cord chains to the settings.”
Exodus 28:9-14
I have no idea how much this would weigh, but Aaron had on multiple layers of fabric, gemstones, metals, and other materials attached to his clothing. Immediately I thought of the weight of the cross on the back of Jesus and the weight of His body trying to keep His diaphragm extended so He could breathe. But the heaviest burden of all that He carried was the weight of my sin, and your sin, and the sins for all time and all people. For those who would accept His gift. Nothing at all compares to that weight.
I also thought about Jesus taking Aaron’s place as our forever High Priest who mediates for His followers before the Father. Now, it was no longer the tribe of Levi, but Judah, who would represent God’s people. Now the people could go directly to God through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit for repentance. No other high priest or tribe is superior!
What a timely prompt that prepared my heart for this Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday. I pray this thought prepares your heart at well. This gift of life, offered to us freely, was not free for Jesus. He paid a huge price for us, giving His life for ours. Salvation for Him wasn’t free. May we NEVER get over it!
Banner photo by CRISTIANO DE ASSUNÇÃO on Unsplash