• General,  Generations,  Lessons

    Who Are You Training? Yes, YOU!

    So, if you read this title and thought, “this doesn’t apply to me”, you are wrong. “But”, you say, “I’m not a leader.” Again, you are wrong! Answer this: are you serving anywhere? maybe at church? in your community? in your family? do you hold down a job? are you teaching a class? are you seeking to live out your Christian faith on a daly basis? If you can say yes to any of those questions, then…you ARE a leader! SO, now that we have that settled, my next question is this: Who are you training to take your place?  “Hold on….take my place? I like my place! Besides I…

  • Beach Lessons,  Lessons

    Go It Alone

    Have you ever felt alone in obeying something God called you to do? Did others look at you as though you were losing your mind when you shared that assignment with them? There are times God leads us to lead others into an assignment but sometimes He will lead us there alone. God speaks loudly to me when I am spending time at the beach. Maybe because I am listening more closely, or that I’m anticipating His voice more (and that should be EVERY day I do that!).  A recent lesson from last fall was about how sometimes and at times even as a leader of others, God will call…