• Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading


    Yes, again. But I’ve read it multiple times, why again? I just started my 5th D-Group. Each group has lasted a year to a year and a half. Each group reads through the Bible chronologically using Foundations:  F-260, New Testament 260, Old Testament 260 or The Bible in a Year. This new group This is using The Bible in a Year by Kandi Gallaty. And guess what, each time we begin in the beginning because, well, chronologically, it teaches about the beginning of time!  I know, not a shock to you who know scripture! (insert smile here)  So, this week I’m reading through part of Genesis and Job. What in…

  • Generations,  Leadership Lessons,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    Discipleship Today

    Last week I shared a post (read What Now? here) asking what you are hearing from women you serve and lead. Many are ready to take a deeper dive into knowing and growing in Christ. Are you ready to lead them well? I am currently leading my 4th D-Group at church since retirement in 2017. Discipleship has always been the core of women’s ministry as far as I am concerned. Of course, the first step is salvation, but that is NOT the final step in a woman’s spiritual journey. She needs women who will shepherd her through the next steps. This was not my experience as a new believer when…

  • Leadership Lessons,  Lessons,  Pandemic,  Spiritual Growth,  What I'm Reading

    What Now?

    If you lead or disciple women in any way, I want to ask you a question. What are you hearing from them regarding this past year of COVID and all the other issues we all have faced? Here’s some positive things I’ve seen or heard: Yes, there have been many negative responses and experiences as well. People have lost jobs, health, political and social unrest, finances, and the joy of being with people in person. Most of us wearied of online church and zoom meetings. But, for sure, God has been at work in so many lives. Recently, Jim Denison quoted Desmond Tutu in one of his Daily Articles: “Hope…