What’s Your Story?
Anyone ever ask you “what’s your story”? Someone who really wants to know you? How did you answer?…Honestly? Or did you hide behind a mask of who you thought they wanted to hear? Often, we just say lighthearted surface-y type of things about ourself. Maybe we even hide big parts of our lives that are embarrassing, shameful or sinful. We don’t want others to know those parts…because if they do, they won’t think well of us. There are parts of my life that aren’t fun or flowery. They were harder than I ever thought possible to live through. They were hard enough to cause doubt that God could ever bring…
Perfect, Broken or Perfectly Shaped?
How often do you hear someone say (or perhaps you have said it), “I’m broken and unusable.” Or “I can’t be forgiven for what I’ve done.” Or perhaps, “I know God has forgiven me, but I know He can’t use me after what I’ve done.” Maybe even you have thought these things. As I’ve mentioned, I LOVE beach time. And I love what God teaches me when I’m at the shore. One of the sweetest messages He’s given me relates to how I look for big, perfect, whole shells. Perhaps like this shell I found. It was big and perfect. I wanted to find more! Then I came across this one…
Go It Alone
Have you ever felt alone in obeying something God called you to do? Did others look at you as though you were losing your mind when you shared that assignment with them? There are times God leads us to lead others into an assignment but sometimes He will lead us there alone. God speaks loudly to me when I am spending time at the beach. Maybe because I am listening more closely, or that I’m anticipating His voice more (and that should be EVERY day I do that!). A recent lesson from last fall was about how sometimes and at times even as a leader of others, God will call…
3 Lessons from Jonah
Did you know there are at least 2 documented cases (Baxter, Explore the Book) of men swallowed by sharks or whales who lived to tell about it? Jesus’ words in Matthew 12:39-40 prove to us that the story of Jonah is more than a fairy tale! What can we learn from his life and experience? Jonah’s life was interrupted by God’s assignment to him to tell the city of Nineveh to repent. When we read the book of Jonah we see what happens to a man whose life was interrupted. What would yours be? Do you like interruptions? I don’t. But that means I am not open to divine intervention.…