Beach Lessons,  Lessons,  Struggle and Loss,  Trial

Getting Through the Muck

After a month at the beach, you can expect Beach Lessons in my posts! Here’s the first.

This year we had a some seaweed just beyond the shore. If it’s out a ways, I don’t mind walking in the shallow water. But walking on and through wet, grassy gunk is not something I enjoy. But, what’s just beyond the seaweed? From the 18th floor balcony of our rental, I get a great look at the clear water beyond the dark mucky stuff.

There is a sand bar out beyond as well. It’s shallow enough to stand on and draws many, including me at times, especially when it is clear and the tide is out. But, this year to get there, you have to get through that muck.

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I was looking out at this scene and something occurred to me. This is a bit like our lives. When we are trudging through a difficult season, we wonder what is beyond? And how long before we can get through the muck, like the seaweed at the shore.

As followers of Christ, we always have the hope of clear water beyond the muck. He promises to always walk with us in both the seaweed and the clear water. But, to get there, we just have to trudge on through it at times.

Keep taking the next step, trusting Jesus to lead, until you see things a bit more clearly.

Someone once said:

During trying times, keep trying.

Christian don’t just give up or give in when life is hard.

In Romans 8:25, Paul reminds us how we are to hope through the muck:

But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.

Hebrews 11:1 says:

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.

It takes great faith to believe there will be something good beyond the muck in our lives. It’s hard to see it in the middle. But our faith hopes in the unseen because of Jesus.

Father, help me not to give up but to always find hope in the muck of life.

Banner Photo by World Travel Adventures on StockSnap

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