
  • Friday’s Encouraing Message

    This week I had the blessing of writing posts for encouraging.com. Each day I will link you to that day’s message. Please sign up to receive encouraging.com posts daily Monday through Friday throughout the year. You will be blessed weekly by various authors. Enjoy!

    Please see link to Friday’s post Battling Your Giants.

    Thank you for allowing me to share these with you this week. I pray you have been greatly encouraged, no matter what is going on in your life presently.

    Photo by Ryan Riggins on Unsplash

Chris Adams is a wife, mom, and Mimi who loves Jesus. She is an  inspirational speaker for women who focuses on biblically centered teaching. She loves to share how we can walk in faith no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in. God wants us to continue to grow as disciples as long as we have breath and He wants us to overflow Christ’s love to those around us. Chris will share with you how “an imperfect woman in God’s perfect plan” can thrive and influence others for Him.

Twitter & Instagram: @chrisadams4

Facebook: www.facebook.com/chrisadams4www.facebook.com/chrismcphersonadams

Web site: www.chrisadams.blog